WATCH: Woman live streams nose job on Snapchat

Hearing about someone's nose job is so common you wouldn’t bat an eyelid, but what about watching someone have the surgery live?

For UK woman Amy Scott, her 90 minutes under the knife was there for the whole world to see after she decided to live stream the procedure on Snapchat and Instagram.

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The 29-year-old is a social media and PR executive for MYA Cosmetic Surgery, and jumped at the chance to have the company perform rhinoplasty after being left with a self confessed ‘beak’ after losing some weight.

Despite her friends and family telling her she doesn't need it, Amy decided to go ahead with the procedure. Photo: Instagram
Despite her friends and family telling her she doesn't need it, Amy decided to go ahead with the procedure. Photo: Instagram

“Shedding a few pounds was great but this resulted in me having a more prominent nose,” she wrote on the MYA blog.

“Strange I know, but apparently your nose does change when you lose or gain weight. “All of this resulted in the hatred of my side profile.

The plastic surgery PR likens her nose to a toucan's beak. Photo: Instagram
The plastic surgery PR likens her nose to a toucan's beak. Photo: Instagram

Amy is also a bridesmaid at her friend’s wedding next year, and wants to be confident of herself before then.

“The thought of all those wedding pictures that they try and take when you’re not aware scares the hell out of me,” she wrote.

The 90-minute operation was streamed in its entirety. Photo: Snapchat
The 90-minute operation was streamed in its entirety. Photo: Snapchat

In what’s been labeled a UK first, Amy – who has worked in the plastic surgery industry for seven years – was seen being operated on by surgeon Andrea Giantrapanni.

Despite the bruising and bandaging, Amy's happy with her new look. Photo: Snapchat
Despite the bruising and bandaging, Amy's happy with her new look. Photo: Snapchat

“I know I’ve looked better and sounded better, but I’ve got a new nose,” Amy said after the surgery. “The anaesthetic has left me a bit queasy and a bit sleepy, so I keep drifting in and out but I’m fine.”