Cat plays Jenga with paw precision

When it comes to playing Jenga, the suspense can be intense.

You fret over touching the right piece, try to be as still as possible and even go so far as to hold your breath in-case a slight gust of carbon dioxide knocks the Jenga blocks to the ground.

Jenga cat. Photo: YouTube
Jenga cat. Photo: YouTube

This cat displays none of that.

He fearlessly takes on the wooden tower, poking his paw at the blocks and effortlessly pulling them to safety with his teeth before his owner places them on the top.

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Moe, the Jenga Cat, as he is known on YouTube, gives his owner a serious run for his money in this video.

It’s incredible how he can identify and knock out the pieces with such precision and make the tower sway, yet still stay firmly put.

It's especially impressive when he pulls out one side block near the bottom leaving the middle block next to it solo carrying the whole tower on its back with absolute confidence it won't fall.

The eight-year-old Texan cat became a viral sensation on the internet for his volatile Jenga-playing skills.

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When his owner matches his game at the end of the clip, Moe doesn’t take it lightly and hits the piece, knocking it to the floor then turns away like an upset child who has lost the game.

Moe the cat plays Jenga with his owner. Photo: YouTube
Moe the cat plays Jenga with his owner. Photo: YouTube

It’s hilarious. How on earth did this curious cat learn to play Jenga?

I wonder if I could teach my dog… On second thoughts he might just run away with the pieces and tear them to shreds. Probably not a good idea.