9 signs you're headed for a breakup

It's an age old cliche - when one door closes, another door opens. But, when it comes to romantic relationships, it can often be hard to know just when to close the door on your relationship and when there's still a chance to save it. A recent Reddit post asked users to comment when they knew their relationship was on it's way out. This is what they had to say...

1. When sex becomes a chore
"You know it's really about to end when you do it pretty half-heartedly after a dry spell. That's the 'maybe I'll give it one more shot' sex. Within a couple days it'll be over."

2. Having to mentally prepare yourself to see them
“When you get home, you find yourself sitting in your car, just taking a few extra minutes and some deep breaths before you go inside."

3. The person you're dating has undergone an apparently permanent shift in demeanor toward you
"Everyone has those days during which they might come across as cold or easily annoyed, but when a person seems to maintain their negative mood for an extended length of time, it's often a warning sign that they're getting sick of you. The change in sentiment can be prompted by any number of things - maybe they just don't like you as much, or maybe they met someone else - but although it's tempting to focus on that catalyst, the end result is the important part."

Heartbroken woman. Photo: Getty
Heartbroken woman. Photo: Getty

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4. When you miss the memories more than your partner
"When you find yourself reminiscing about the person they were in the past and hoping the person they became would go back to the person you first met."

5. Both affection and arguments have been replaced by apathy (on both sides)
"Fights, at least on their own, aren't necessarily omens of an impending split. After all, we tend to be most angered by the people for whom we have the strongest feelings. When those same feelings start to evaporate, though, it's usually an indicator that neither party really cares about the other anymore."

6. Unable to relax around your partner
"If you feel on edge because you're nervous that you're going to get into an argument or you have to be on your best behaviour to make them want to hang out with you."

7. A lack of enthusiasm in communication
"Sometimes the other person has more important things going on and can't spare as much of their time and energy to communication as normally, and that's fine. But when they ignore you for an longer period of time, it starts to be a problem."

8. When you’re not on the same relationship page
"Everything else may be great. You may love each other. You may have great sex. You may share a lot of interests and plans for the future.

But a few critical ones can all make it crumble. Kids, marriage, careers, geography. It's sad but what they say is true - love by itself isn't enough to make it work."

9. Conversation has ceased
"Communication is the cornerstone of any relationship. If it ever stops - particularly during a time when the above warning signs are present - then a breakup is probably on the horizon. Remember, it is never unreasonable to ask why someone has filled your boxer shorts with black widows, just as it's never unreasonable to expect a meaningful answer."

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