Beauty Pageant Queen Faces Jailtime

It seems beauty pageant contestants can’t get a break at the moment – last year, the Miss Universe host announced the wrong winner, and then the 2016 contestants were entered into the wrong competition altogether.

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Now, a Turkish beauty contestant is facing jailtime for ‘slandering’ the country’s President.

Merve Buyuksarac was sentenced to 14 months in prison after she shared a poem on social media that was deemed politically insulting.

While the court has since suspended the sentence, Buyuksarac is not allowed to “offend” again in the next five years, or she’ll be thrown in jail.

"I shared (the poem) because it was funny to me. I did not intend to insult Recep Tayyip Erdogan," said Buyuksarac.

Merve on the runway in 2014. Photo: Getty Images.
Merve on the runway in 2014. Photo: Getty Images.

It’s not the first time the Turkish President has done a number on one of the country’s citizens – in fact, in the last 21 months, he’s filed 2,000 defamation suits against people who have “insulted” him in some way or another.

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“Free speech advocates say the law is being used aggressively to silence and intimidate critics,” reports “The trials have targeted journalists, academics, and even schoolchildren. Coupled with a crackdown on opposition media and journalists, the trials have sounded alarms over the erosion of rights and freedoms in a country that was once seen as a model of Muslim democracy.”