Watch what happens when this blogger curls her hair using Cheetos

First we had the beauty blogger who curled her hair using only dish sponges and now a vlogger has taken it to the next level, by creating perfect ringlets using Cheetos.

YouTuber Bunny Meyer, aka Grave3yardgirl, uploaded a video to her channel called “Curling my hair with Cheetos?” and that's exactly what happened.

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The young woman uses the cheesy, orange chips as curlers, wrapping strands of her hair around each one and letting them sit.

All Meyer needed was a bag of Cheetos to create her curls.
All Meyer needed was a bag of Cheetos to create her curls.

Meyer got the idea from a previous video she did called “Can it curl?”, where she created epic curls using marshmallows.

The whole process took her 45 minutes to complete and the results were pretty amazing.

Take a look at the video above to see how it's done.

The results were pretty epic.
The results were pretty epic.

Meyer bought four bags of Cheetos to create the look and while the ringlets were amazing, we can imagine that the cheesy smell wasn't very appealing.

She claimed that despite the smell she would leave it in that style for a few days.

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