
Duck Or Rabbit? What You See Says A Lot About You

Do you see a duck or a rabbit?

Take a hard look at the image above because what you see could tell a lot about your creative abilities.

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This 100-year-old optical illusion has taken social media by storm after being shared online again, with some people spotting a duck, others a rabbit and a few seeing both alternatively.

What you see in the drawing and how fast you see it, could indicate just how quick your brain is and how creative you are.

The illustration was first used by American psychologist Joseph Jastrow in 1892 to prove that perception is not only what a person sees in front of them but also a mental activity in the brain.

According to Jastrow's research, the quicker you can spot both animals and switch between them, the more creative you are.

'The Dress' baffled the world last year.

Bizarrely, she also concluded that the time of year was a massive factor in what people saw in the drawing.

At Easter time, people are more likely to see the rabbit and later in the year the duck was a common answer.

What can you see?