The weird thing you never noticed about Matt Damon movie posters

The official poster for Jason Bourne has just been released (along with a cracking new trailer) and we’ve spotted a weird trend that seems to be emerging for Matt Damon movies.

For some inexplicable reason, Hollywood’s marketing men seem to be obsessed with making posters featuring Matt Damon’s lovely face partially obscured by text.

Don’t believe us? Here’s more evidence that we found:

The Martian


The Adjustment Bureau

We also found a few near misses too:

The Informant!

Close, but no cigar.

The Departed

A face on writing isn’t the same as writing on a face.

And True Grit came close, but completely missed his face…

This weird poster trend comes hot on the tail of the “Benedict Cumberbatch’s back” style that also recently came to light.

Tom Butler writes for Yahoo Movies UK

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