Beyoncé just broke her set and her reaction is flawless

What happens when part of your set breaks above your head?

If you’re Beyoncé, then just reach up and hold it up yourself!

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Beyonce's Formation Tour. Photo: Getty
Beyonce's Formation Tour. Photo: Getty

A fan at the Lemonade singer's The Formation Wold Tour in Detroit posted this hilarious video to Twitter, and you can hear the 34-year-old star giggling on stage at the mishap.

Bey was about to launch into her song Crazy In Love when the set above her head broke, and even though the lights blackened, you can hear her uttering ‘uh oh uh-oh uh-oh’, almost in song formation before launching into the song.

It was the final night of her current North American leg, before she travels the UK with the show later this month.


Beyonce. Photo: Getty
Beyonce. Photo: Getty

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