The awful fact that will change the way you see Snape

Never was there a more divisive question than that of Harry Potter's Severus Snape. Good or bad? In love or obsessed?

We at Be have always been firmly in the good camp, how could a man who switched over from the dark side to protect the son of his lost love be anything but?

However, those wily guys over at Reddit have spotted some pretty compelling evidence that suggests otherwise.

Was Snape a goodie or a baddie? Source: Warner Bros
Was Snape a goodie or a baddie? Source: Warner Bros

When it comes to his Gryffindor students, Snape hands out one very grisly form of detention - he makes them dissect the same kind of animals they keep as pets.

Yep, poor old Neville Longbottom has a treasured pet toad called Trevor, and in a detention meted out for melting a cauldron in Potions class, Snape makes him disembowel a whole barrel of toads!

Neville and Trevor. Source: Warner Bros
Neville and Trevor. Source: Warner Bros

Poor old Ron Weasley gets the treatment too.

Ron and Scabbers. Source: Warner Bros
Ron and Scabbers. Source: Warner Bros

For the first two and a bit films, our favourite ranga has a pet rat called Scabbers - although he admittedly wasn't that fond of him and he turned out to be a turncoat Death Eater in disguise, but that's by-the-by.

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Anyway, in yet another detention Snape orders Ron to spend two hours pickling rat brains in the dungeon. Gross!

It “adds an extra level of malice," argues one of the 200+ Redditors who are now frantically debating the issue.

We can't argue with that!

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