Amy Schumer gloriously throws out heckler after crude 'show us your tits' comment

Everyone knows that if you either sit in the front row of a comedy show, let alone dare to open your mouth, the comedian will make the show about you.

That was a lesson that this heckler hopefully learnt after Amy Schumer’s recent show in Stockholm, Sweden.

The 35-year-old was making a joke about her body looking like a snowman, when a man in the audience shouted out, “Show us your tits!”

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To which Amy, being the don't-mess-with-me badass woman she is, called out the dude in front of the entire audience before booting his butt out of the gig…and it was glorious.

“Ok wait, I want the guy who said 'Show us your tits' to come up here, it's too good,” she said. “Everyone point at him so I know which one [he is].

“Don’t pretend you don't speak English you just yelled ‘Show us your tits’. Now don't get shy, what do you do for a living? Sales? How's that working out? Is it going well because we ain't buying it?


“That’s really cute, but if you yell out again you're going to be yelling 'Show us your tits’ in the parking lot mother f***er…I'll show my tits when I want.

But the man yelled out once again, so Amy said: “I'm sorry now it's time, bye!”

So after a very quick audience vote, the guy was escorted out of the audience.

Source: Amy Schumer/YouTube
Source: Amy Schumer/YouTube

Dude, lesson learnt: Mess with anyone, literally anyone, but never mess with Amy Schumer. And definitely never tell anyone to show you their tits... How is that even a thing?!

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