Mum's Creme Egg sugar warning goes viral

The countdown to Easter is on, which means parents will be battening down the sugar-high hatches and buying up big for the forthcoming chocolate-fest.

While we’re all perfectly well aware that chocolate is full of sugar, sometimes we need a reminder of exactly how much sweet stuff we’re consuming when we’re chowing down on the choc.

One British mum has shocked the Internet by posting a picture of a Creme Egg next to the amount of sugar the popular chocolate treat contains, alongside a coin for scale.

And it’s pretty shocking!

One mum's post has shown exactly how much sugar is in one egg. Photo: Facebook//thelittleredhut
One mum's post has shown exactly how much sugar is in one egg. Photo: Facebook//thelittleredhut

Rebecca Bilham posted the picture on the Facebook group The Little Red Hut Home & Gifts.


“Warning, may upset Creme Egg lovers,” she captioned the image. “This amount of sugar in ONE cream egg?? Surely not... crikey!”

And it turns out people are pretty shocked by the amount as so far the picture has been shared more than 7000 times, with more than 15,000 comments.

“That’s a lot of sugar i have type 2 diabetis due to to much sugary things i am now on insulin think before you eat,” one user commented.

“How is that even possible?! The pile of sugar looks larger than the actual creme egg!! We have a problem,” added another.

While some people were surprised to see the amount of sugar laid out, others admitted that it wouldn’t stop them eating Creme Eggs.

“Literally don’t care. Still happily dust 5 in one sitting. I will be fat forever,” one user wrote.

Get ready to re-think this delicious Easter treat. Photo: Instagram/brandon.chad
Get ready to re-think this delicious Easter treat. Photo: Instagram/brandon.chad

“Yeah that’s all well and good but people seem to drink about 4 teas a day with a sugar or 2 in it and not bat an eyelid lol live a little,” added another.


A Cadbury Creme Egg contains a whopping 26 grams of sugar, that’s five teaspoons based on a teaspoon of sugar being five grams.

According to the NHS children aged 11 or over and adults should consume no more than seven teaspoons of added sugar a day or 30g, equal to less than a single can of Coca-Cola, which contains 39g.

Children, on the other hand, should consume much less than that, no more than 19g for children aged four to six and no more than 24g for children aged seven to 10 (around the amount of sugar in a Snickers bar).

So just one Creme Egg could easily surpass their daily sugar allowance.

The beloved eggs have a chocolate coating with a sugary centre. Photo: Instagram/the_adventures_of_teamjames
The beloved eggs have a chocolate coating with a sugary centre. Photo: Instagram/the_adventures_of_teamjames

“I found the amount of sugar claimed to be in a Creme Egg frightening to be honest,” Rebecca told The Sun Online.

“We all know they’re full of sugar but actually seeing it in pure form it appears such a lot.


“I have let my son eat them at Easter, but I am conscious of his daily intake anyway and when you see eye opening content like this on social media it does make you stop and think twice.”

Despite the Facebook post, some claim it won't stop them letting themselves and their family indulge once in a while. Photo: Getty
Despite the Facebook post, some claim it won't stop them letting themselves and their family indulge once in a while. Photo: Getty

The shock photo comes as parents are being urged to limit children to two snacks of no more than 100 calories per day.

Public Health England (PHE) has revealed that on average children are consuming at least three unhealthy snacks and sugary drinks a day, with around a third consuming four or more.

That means the average child can easily consume three times more sugar than recommended with the PHE warning that half of children’s sugar intake – around seven sugar cubes a day – comes from unhealthy snacks and drinks.

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