Katie Holmes and Suri Cruise spend adorable #girltime together

Katie Holmes posted this adorable pic on Instagram of herself and daughter Suri, who celebrates her ninth birthday next month, putting on make-up together. So cute!

Katie captioned the pic, "#girltime," and we all know how important that time really is. Mum just has to watch out if the two of them ever venture into a Sephora! (And given Suri's apparent interest in makeup, it's likely that they might.) Suri should be warned at an early age a Sephora addiction can be a very real thing.

Of course, dolling up isn't the only way Katie and Suri spend time together. In addition to traveling, shopping, and indulging in sweet treats, the pair also knows how to get down and dirty. Katie posted this "Saturday night!" pic of them painting back in January.

Katie Holmes and Suri Cruise. Photo: Instagram
Katie Holmes and Suri Cruise. Photo: Instagram

It's nice to see Katie and Suri spending all this quality time together, especially amidst the freshly-resurfaced rumor that Ms. Holmes has been secretly dating actor Jamie Foxx for over a year now.

RELATED: Katie Holmes spotted holding hands with Jamie Foxx

Katie has described herself as "a very loving person," and no where is that more clear than in the time she spends with her daughter.

Mallory Schlossberg writes for Yahoo Celebrity.