Scott Gooding: 'This core workout will be tough, but worth it'

Congrats on making it through one week of exercises! Hopefully you’re feeling amazing and looking forward to a new batch of fun workouts.

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This week it’s all about your core and abdominals and lucky for you, they’re a little tricky – namely the sit kicks and hinge push-ups – which means they’ll give you a bit of a challenge.

No pain, no gain, so expect some soreness this week but that’s good news for your mid-section, as it’s being strengthened and toned.

Just a reminder to do as many reps as you can in the time you’ve chosen:

5 mins (beginners)
10 mins (low intermediate)
15 mins (high intermediate)
20 mins (advanced)

Most importantly, have fun!


Sit kicks
Sit kicks

Sit kicks – 20 reps

• Starting in a high plank position, sweep one leg underneath you so it’s perpendicular to your body (in-line with your shoulders).
• Ensure your toes are facing upwards.
• Sit for 2 seconds on your butt cheek before returning to the start position.
• Repeat on the alternate side

Hinge push-up
Hinge push-up

Hinge Push-up – 10 reps

• Start in a high plank with hands underneath your shoulders.
• Keeping your hips flat and square, drop into a low push up position.
• Rock backwards on your toes and bring your elbows in contact with the ground, holding for 2 seconds.
• Rock forwards again back onto your hands, then push down and return to a high plank.
• Repeat.

Goblet squats
Goblet squats

Goblet squats – 20 reps

• Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding the kettlebell (8kg for beginners, 24kg for advanced) upside down.
• Lower into a squat position, ensuring your back is straight and your weight is over your heels.
• Push back up through your heels, keeping the kettlebell close to your chest throughout the entire movement.
• Repeat.

Tuck jumps
Tuck jumps

Tuck jump – 20 reps

• Stand with feet shoulder-width apart.
• Sink into a squat then jump up, drawing your knees in towards your chest as you do.
• Land lightly on the balls of your feet and repeat.


V-snaps – 20 reps

• Lay flat on your back with legs stretched out long and arms above your head.
• Engage your abs as you fold at the hips, simultaneously lifting both legs and arms off the ground.
• Try to tap your toes and aim to finish on your bum.
• Bend slightly at the knees if you need but be careful you don’t lift your legs too high or too soon as you’ll struggle to lift your upper body off the floor.
• Return to the start position with control.

Lamb shanks with cauliflower and broccoli rice. Photo: Scott Gooding Nourished ebook
Lamb shanks with cauliflower and broccoli rice. Photo: Scott Gooding Nourished ebook

Try this sample day menu

Breakfast: Breakfast parfait with coconut cream.
Lunch: Heirloom tomato, cabbage and anchovy salad
Dinner: Lamb shank ragu with cauliflower and broccoli rice
Snack: Chilli Cacao smoothie

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