Sitting at your desk all day may be the reason why you have a flat bottom

If you work in an office and spend about eight hours a day sitting down, then your job may be leaving you at risk of heart disease, depression and worst of all, it might be giving you a flat bottom.

'Office ass' apparently happens when your ass flattens over time, due to constantly sitting down at your desk for prolonged periods.

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Speaking to the New York Post about the condition, physical therapist Abby Bales said the more you sit, the more likely you are to develop 'office ass'.

'Office ass' is here and it's real.
'Office ass' is here and it's real.

According to Bales, "people have a difficult time actively engaging their glutes to both strengthen and shape them” when they fail to move around during the day.

Bales says the first line of defense is to stand-up more during the day. Even five minutes every hour can reduce your chances of ending up with a pancake bottom.

“Standing instead of sitting increases your hip extension, and walking around improves your hip extension and flexion,” she said.

She claims sitting up straight on your char and placing a cushion on the back half of your chair can hep to prevent the condition, as well at leaving the car at home and walking to work, instead of driving.

If you want to take it that step further and get a Kim Kardashian booty going on, then Bales recommends squats and lunges in the gym.

“Squats are the gold-standard exercise for glute activation,” she said.

“[They] promote muscular hypertrophy—increased size—and will add to your backside over time.”

If this isn't reason enough why we should get a standup desk at work, then we don't know what is.

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