Reddit users reveal their most embarrassing “reply all” disasters ever

It’s the heart-stopping, stomach-churning moment nightmares are made of.

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That moment when you hit “reply all” instead of “reply” and accidentally send off awkward, embarrassing or downright offensive emails to strangers, colleagues, and often the very person you’re talking about.

Source: Giphy
Source: Giphy

Let’s be honest, it’s an innocent mistake and we’ve all seen it happen. And we’ve all laughed at the person frantically sending a “recall this message” email (because really, that just makes you want to open the email even quicker).

Now Reddit users have revealed their most embarrassing “reply all” disasters, and there’s definitely some doozies.

There’s the email that outs your cheating…

“At university my best friend spent the summer travelling in Vietnam and Thailand, he sent me a very sordid email about all the [women] he was banging,” wrote user rapmachinenodiggidy. “Unfortunately he'd hit 'reply all' to one of those chain mails that went around friends back in the day and even more unfortunate was that his girlfriend was one of the recipients.”

Source: Giphy
Source: Giphy

There’s the email that triggers a never-ending, company wide “reply allpocalypse"…

“A woman sent a retirement announcement inadvertently to the entire, tens-of-thousands strong agency I work for,” wrote tiedyeladyland. “People were hitting reply all to tell others not to reply all. It went on for hours.”

There’s the email that gets you fired…

"[There was a] company-wide email about the use of proper language on the floor - there had been a few cases of people swearing in front of clients, etc,” wrote Ryinth. “Guy responds "f**k that" or something similar, thinking he was forwarding it to a friend to discuss the situation. He was let go twenty minutes later.”

Source: Giphy
Source: Giphy

User ask_me_if_Im_lying wrote: “After an all staff announcement (around 2000 people) from the new CEO about an upcoming downsizing, one person replied to everyone shortly after saying: ‘Can you believe this s**t Kate? This new CEO is such a f**king c**t, I swear if I see him on the street I'll break his f**king neck’. As you can imagine, threats of violence [were] taken pretty seriously. On the plus side though, she didn't have to stress about the downsizing anymore because she was fired.”

There’s the in-joke that should have stayed in…

From user chrisgagne:
“I used to work in a small office with a lot of guys and one small men's room. The CTO once sent out an email that read:
Subject: Medical Advice
Body: Whomever just used the men's restroom should go see a doctor.
He meant to send it to the men in the company, but accidentally included a major, major client of ours. Thankfully they got a laugh out of it.”

Source: Giphy
Source: Giphy

There's the TMI email…

“I worked in a newsroom once and someone sent around an email to everyone asking that they answer her questions about beauty/self perception for a story she was working on,” wrote cornfedpig. “One woman replied all, listing her opinion of her looks as a 3/10, worrying that she was too fat and (my absolute favourite part) that the part of her body she liked the least was the ‘way her genitals looked in the mirror’."

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