New app makes STD testing easy

Don't rely on Dr Google. Photo: Getty Images.
Don't rely on Dr Google. Photo: Getty Images.

Don't spend hours googling your 'down-there' symptoms, because like almost everything else in life, there’s an app for that.

It’s called Healthvana, and it’s “almost like Yelp, except for HIV and STD testing,” says founder Ramin Bastani.

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The US-based app shows nearby clinics where you can get tested, provides user ratings both on the quality of service and cleanliness at these clinics, and delivers the results to you electronically.

For privacy’s sake, the app even keeps your test results behind a zip. So, when you want to prove to Anna from Adelaide that you’re 100 per cent clean, “literally, you can wave the zip in someone’s face and they use their finger to unzip it.”

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It is, according to it's founders, “a modern form of ‘I’ll show you mine, if you show me yours.’”

Ironically, Healthvana shares it’s Los Angeles office building with Tinder.