7 Yoga Poses for Better Sex

Launch the year with a bang by trying these yoga moves. Image: Thinkstock
Launch the year with a bang by trying these yoga moves. Image: Thinkstock

Scoring strength, sure. Getting more zen than your favourite YouTube sloth, yeah. But that’s not all yoga has to offer—turns out, the ancient practice is pretty great for getting you in the mood.

Downward dog, anyone?

POSE: Downward Dog

We weren’t kidding about that downward dog. “This staple asana energises and invigorates the body,” says yoga teacher Gabriella Woodward from infiniteyoga.com.au. “It allows you to focus on your breath and really start to feel a calmness and sense of presence in the moment.” On your hands and knees, with your hands slightly forward of your shoulders, spread your palms and turn your toes under. Exhale and lift your knees away from the floor. Lengthen your tailbone towards the ceiling and slowly straighten your knees and bring your chest closer to your thighs.

POSE: Bound Angle Pose

“The seat of our sexual desire and power is said to lie in the Swadhistana or sacral chakra, so poses that naturally influence and balance this region of the body are ideal,” yoga teacher Claire Nettley from thisyogalife.com.au. That includes the bound angle pose, which “opens the hips, increases blood flow to the area and in the reclining position, calms the nervous system. For tight hips support the knees with a rolled up blanket.” In a seated position, bring the soles of your feet together so your legs form a diamond shape. Let your knees drop to the floor, and hinge forward from the hips to feel a deep stretch. Try holding for one to five minutes.

POSE: Bridge

Lie on your back with bent knees and your feet hip width apart. As you inhale, lift your hips towards the ceiling and interlace your fingers under your bum while drawing your shoulder blades together and down. Now hold, and consider this: “With the squeezing of the pelvic floor, this pose helps to improve orgasms in the long term and become more aware of your breath in the short term, allowing the mind to ease and to focus on the present rather than wandering thoughts,” says Woodward.

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POSE: Low Lunge

“Another great hip opener, this pose also builds strength in your thighs and helps to release deep core muscles, improving flexibility,” says Nettley. From downward dog, step your right foot forward and place it beside your right thumb, lining up your right knee over your right ankle. Lower your left knee to the floor behind your hips. Inhale and lift your torso, sweeping your arms to the ceiling with your palms facing each other. Allow your hips to push gently forward until you feel a stretch.

POSE: Cat/Cow

“This is a sexy pose in itself and strengthens through the Kegel muscles which contract during orgasm. It allows more movement through your spine with a focus on your breath as you flow through the pose,” says Woodward. On your hands and knees, inhale and arch your back for the cow segment, pushing your tailbone to the ceiling. Now exhale, and curve your back, pushing your tailbone under. Repeat for 10 breaths.

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POSE: One-legged Pigeon

“This is a wonderful hip-opening pose that also stretches the piriformis muscle,” says Nettley. And yes, open hips are exactly what you need for a good time. Start on your hands and knees or in downward dog, and bring your right knee between your hands, with your right ankle near your left wrist and your shin resting on the floor. Straighten your left leg behind you. Press through your fingertips as you lift your torso. Square your hips, drop your tailbone and straighten your torso. Flex your front foot. Now breathe into the pose for a minute before repeating on the other side. Watch out for this one if you’ve had a recent knee or sacro-iliac injury.

POSE: Eagle

Woodward is a big fan of this pose. “It not only improves concentration and balance, which are essential for good sex and stress release, when it’s completed blood circulation flows to the pelvic and cervix region increasing your libido,” she says. In a standing position, bend your left knee and lift your right foot, crossing it over your left knee. Wind your foot around your calf as far as you can, and sink lower as you tuck your tailbone down. Inhale your arms in front of your shoulders, and cross your left arm over your right. Bend your arms at the elbow and wrap them around each other to bring your palms together. Hold for five breaths, then release and repeat on the other side.

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