Five simple yoga moves to beat bloating

Rolling out your yoga mat can be the perfect natural cure for tummy troubles. These simple yoga moves will increase blood flow to your digestive tract, helping to support a healthy gut and ease any stomach bloating issues or discomfort. As a sufferer of bloating problems, I can attest this simple sequence is golden to decrease the bloat caused by constipation, gas or indigestion, by helping to compress and massage your internal organs, while rejuvenating your body and calming your mind.

Here are five core moves to get you feeling bikini-body confident.

The cat cow yoga pose streches the hips, core and internal organs. Photo: Supplied
The cat cow yoga pose streches the hips, core and internal organs. Photo: Supplied
Photo: Supplied
Photo: Supplied

1. Marjaryansana (cat pose) combined with Bitilasana (cow pose)

These two gentle postures are paired together for a soothing vinyasa flow, which refers to “breath-synchronised movement.” The cat/cow flow move effortlessly stretches the hips, abdomen and gently massages the organs in the belly, stimulating the kidneys and adrenals glands whilst creating a calming, emotional balanc.

Tip: take deep breaths in and out through your nose. These core poses will massage your internal organs as you alternately compress and lengthen the intestines, bringing fresh blood to your cells leading you towards a healthy, happier gut.

Photo: Supplied
Photo: Supplied

2. Parsva Balasana (thread the needle pose)

Transitioning from cat/cow pose this simple posture will assist in detoxifying and calming your internal organs with a slight and gentle twist. Tip: those who suffer from any back, shoulder, neck or hip conditions should take care in this twist. Positioning a blanket underneath your knees can help to offer more support.

Photo: Supplied
Photo: Supplied

3. Anahatasana (melting heart pose)

Come onto your hands and knees as if you were moving into cat/cow pose. Shift your hips back and melt your chest and arms forward. Release your head onto the floor or a block and allow gravity to open your heart. Tip: try to stay here for two minute and breathe deeply to calm your mind. This relaxing pose offers a slight stretch of the belly, helping to ease any bloating. Get more from the pose by stretching deeper on each exhale and allow your belly to expand forward.

Photo: Supplied
Photo: Supplied

4. Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Upward-facing dog pose)

The Upward-Facing Dog pose stretches the chest and spine, creating suppleness in the back torso and abdomen, which stimulates the abdominal organs and improves digestion. It also firms the buttocks and thighs, which is an added bonus. Tip: the backbend can further rejuvenate the body, offering relief from fatigue and mild depression.

Photo: Supplied
Photo: Supplied

5. Pavana Muktasana (wind relieving pose)

The name of this pose speaks for itself! However, don’t let it misguide you – this one is super nurturing and grounding. It helps to sooth digestion and elimination as well as stretching the lower back and lengthening the spine. Tip: breathe consciously and hold for 4-8 breaths, inhaling deeply into the belly and connecting with the elements of nourishment.

Eliza Huolohan is the founder and teacher at Divine Flow Yoga on Sydney’s northern beaches. Visit

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