How to be more likeable in 39 steps

Some people naturally radiate good vibes.

They can make friends with strangers in an instant and make you feel warm and fuzzy just with their smile.

Adopt your likeable friend's traits to be more like them. Photo: Getty Images
Adopt your likeable friend's traits to be more like them. Photo: Getty Images

For others, it can be more of an effort. No matter how hard we try to be the life of the party, it can feel as though whatever we do, it just doesn’t happen as smoothly as we had hoped and we end up being disappointed in ourselves.

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Be more smiley. Photo: Getty Images
Be more smiley. Photo: Getty Images

According to Andrew Thomas of Inc., the most effective thing you can do to become more likeable is to adopt the traits and behaviours of happy people and make them your own.

Whether it be smiling more, being more helpful, apologising for your actions or giving someone your undivided attention, these little things can help you become the person you’ve always wanted to be.

Treat everyone with respect. Photo: Getty Images
Treat everyone with respect. Photo: Getty Images

They’re not tips or tricks, but rather a way of life. You needn’t adopt all 39 steps in one go, but make it your mission to take on two or three of them one day and see how it goes when interacting with people. Only once you've mastered them, adopt a few more and so on.

Like with most things, it will take time to notice a change. But if you keep practicing, over time your new ways will become a habit and will hopefully pay off.

Change takes time. Photo: Getty Images
Change takes time. Photo: Getty Images

Here are 39 traits of likeable people that you can adopt to be a better you:

  1. They actively listen.

  2. They make a great first impression.

  3. They're accountable for their mistakes.

  4. They do what they say they'll do.

  5. They treat everyone with respect.

  6. They ask questions instead of making assumptions.

  7. They laugh.

  8. They live for themselves, not to please others.

  9. They follow-up.

  10. They smile.

  11. They remember your name.

  12. They offer to help.

  13. They aren't afraid to make mistakes.

  14. They send thank you notes.

  15. They encourage others.

  16. They speak slowly and confidently

  17. They don't judge you.

  18. They apologise.

  19. They forgive, but do not forget.

  20. They don't speak for you.

  21. They know how to give a compliment.

  22. They know how to accept a compliment

  23. They tell the truth.

  24. They celebrate others.

  25. They have good body language.

  26. They don't criticise others.

  27. They give you their undivided attention.

  28. They don't make you feel defensive.

  29. They don't take credit for other people's success.

  30. They maintain good eye contact.

  31. They let you do most of the talking.

  32. They know how to have a tough conversation.

  33. They admit when they're wrong.

  34. They are consistent.

  35. They don't interrupt.

  36. They're not afraid to be vulnerable.

  37. They don't exaggerate.

  38. They can laugh at themselves.

  39. They're optimistic, without being unrealistic.

Likeable people give you their undivided attention.
Likeable people give you their undivided attention.

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