This is how many extra calories you eat after a sleep deprived night

Sleep is one of those elusive things that sometimes gets in the way of life.

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But what if science told you that getting enough sleep can not only help you look and feel better, it can stop you piling on pesky extra kilos too?

New research published in the European Journal Of Clinical Nutrition found those who got less than five-and-a-half hours a night consumed more calories than those who clocked seven hours.

Get enough sleep and eat less calories, says research. Photo: Getty images
Get enough sleep and eat less calories, says research. Photo: Getty images

The sleep deprived souls consumed on average 385 extra calories per day, and in food terms we can actually relate to, that translates to a Bacon and Egg McMuffin and half a hash brown.

The study found that not getting enough sleep can affect your body’s hormones such as leptin which tells us when we’ve eaten enough, leading to people eating more food to feel full.

Source: Giphy
Source: Giphy

It’s also believed sleep – and lack of it – can affect your metabolism, and how your body clock operates.

No surprises here, but scientists say that long-term sleep deprivation can contribute to significant weight gain.

“Our results highlight sleep as a potential third factor, in addition to diet and exercise, to target weight gain more effectively,” explains lead author of the study Haya Al Khatib.

“We are currently conducting a trial in habitually short sleepers to explore the effects of sleep extension on weight gain.”

Even more of an excuse to have an early night tonight!

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