Woman who has multiple orgasms each day says it's ruining her life

Woman has multiple orgasms every day. Photo: Barcroft Media/Youtube
Woman has multiple orgasms every day. Photo: Barcroft Media/Youtube

Cara Anaya-Carlis says she regularly endures up to six hours of arousal a day and once had more than 180 orgasms in the space of two hours.

The mother-of-one was diagnosed three years ago with persistent genital arousal after she fell to the floor experiencing multiple orgasms while out grocery shopping. “It was one of the most intense orgasms I had ever had and it was with no assistance,” she said.

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But according to Cara, the condition is ruining her life as she’s unable to work because she never knows when she will suffer an attack of orgasms. “You can't say to your future boss, I may not be able to come in today because I suffer from orgasms, he would think you were making it up,” she said.

Cara, who has a 10-year-old boy, says her condition also affects her relationship with her son. “When you are around children you feel like a pervert because you have all these really strong feelings rushing through your body at the same time,” she said. “So even doing the school run is a worry because the arousal will build and build and I just have to stay in the car until it is over or try and mask it.”

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This rare condition has taken it’s toll on her marriage as she constantly craves physical contact due to the high level of hormones in her body. “We still have sex but it can become incredibly frustrating for both of us because I am forever aroused,” she said.

Treatments including cold showers, improving her diet and increasing her exercise regime have proved to be pointless so Cara has learned to control showing her arousal, but says her mental health is suffering.

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“It makes me giggle because of the momentary high and outwardly I look okay but inwardly it's a torture. It is ruining my life, because it messes with your head. You body is running on a high, on an up and down, so it really affects your moods.”

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