Scott Gooding: "Chew through the calories with this buzzy full body workout”

The last three weeks we have focused on a particular body part, but this week we don't discriminate - it's time to work the full body!

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This is a great conditioning workout, one that will chew through the calories and leave you buzzing at the end.


Do a 5 minute warm up, enough for a light sweat.

Then, complete the following in the quickest time possible

1. Perform 21 reps of the first exercise, followed by five double unders using a skipping rope. If you can’t do double unders, aim for 30 single skips.

2. Repeat with the next exercise, following it up with five double unders. Do this until you have worked your way through all of the exercises.

3. Start at the beginning and perform 15 reps of the first exercise, followed by five double unders.

4. Repeat until you have worked your way through the exercises.

5. For your final round, start at the beginning and perform 9 reps of the first exercise, followed by five double unders.

6. Repeat until you have worked your way through the exercises.

7. Record your time and aim to beat this at your next session.

Do this workout a minimum three times over the next week.

Trust me, the results will be worth it!

Squat jump

• Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
• Bend at the hips and knees and place your hands out the front to help stabilise.
• Making sure your weight is over your heels and not your toes, squat as deep as you can before driving upwards into a vertical jump.
• Land softly on the balls of your feet and begin your next rep immediately.

Tuck jump

• Stand with feet shoulder-width apart.
• Sink into a squat then jump up, drawing your knees in towards your chest as you do.
• Land lightly on the balls of your feet and repeat.

Broad jump

• Stand with feet shoulder width apart, toes facing forward and standing upright.
• Bend at the knees and hips as you lower your tailbone towards the ground, using your arms as a counter balance if needed.
• Jump off the ground, travelling forward as well as vertically.
• Perform a squat jump but travel forward as well as vertically, travel as far as you can.
• Avoid performing the reps too quickly - pause and set yourself in between each rep.
• Repeat.


• Standing upright place your hands on the floor just in front of your feet.
• Jump (or step for beginners) your feet back and drop all your weight to the ground.
• Your thighs and chest should make contact with the ground
• Pivot off your knees as you come back to your feet
• Once back to your feet, perform a vertical jump and clap your hands above your head.
• Repeat.

Box jump

• Use a box, step or wall that you can safely jump on with both feet.
• Sink low before you jump, and generate force from your quads, glutes, hanstrings and calves.
• Use your arms for momentum and land on both feet. Ensure your entire foot, including heel is safely on the step.
• Push your hips all the way through and straighten your legs.
• Jump or step down back off the step and land lightly on the balls of your feet first.
• Repeat.

Double unders

• Using a skipping rope, skip maintaining a steady rhythm and letting the rope pass under your feet twice per revolution.

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