Are you one of the few people who can see what’s inside this red dot?

Do you have 20/20 vision? If so, can you spot what image is inside the red dot?

This mind-messing test is the latest to come from the guys at PlayBuzz, and it's tearing friends apart.

Can you see what image is in this red dot? Photo: PlayBuzz

Stare at the big red dot - can you vaguely make out what image is outlined within it?

Some of you may be quite confused at this point, making squinty faces at your screens, while others may be feeling pretty smug.

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Only certain people can see the hidden image inside this eye test.

Calm your mind and stare inside the circle - can you see it now?

It's an outline of a horse. Photo: PlayBuzz

It’s an outline of a horse!

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But wait - there’s more. Let's test how sharp your eyes really are.

Can you see the finer details of the horse? Photo: PlayBuzz

Look at the red dot again. Can you see the finer details of the outlined horse?

It's got a mane, tail, a saddle and is standing in grass. Photo: PlayBuzz

The horse is wearing a saddle, is standing in grass and has a mane and bushy tail.

If you saw this from the start - congratulations! Your eyesight is impeccable. As for the rest of us - perhaps a trip to the optometrist is due.