5 rules to survive your work Christmas party

Tis' the season to totally watch your back when you get turnt at the work Christmas party!

As fun as it is to have a good ol' knees-up with the colleagues after a hard year's work, there is certain etiquette one should follow in order to avoid becoming a HR issue.

Like Youtube star Alan Tsibulya points out in the above video - there are some cringe-worthy characters at every office party we'd rather avoid.

How to avoid the guy from sales who stares at your chest for a few moments too long. Photo: Be
How to avoid the guy from sales who stares at your chest for a few moments too long. Photo: Be
Everyone loves the IT guy!
Everyone loves the IT guy!

It can be super hilarious to watch the usually quiet IT guy get a little tipsy and tell dad jokes but no one wants to be hit on by the office sleaze!

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Here are some rules to get you through the night without becoming one of those classic characters:

1. Don't get too smashed
This goes without saying but give yourself a drink limit. Nobody wants to be trying to remember which admin guy you twerked up against on the dance floor.

2. Hold your tongue
Try not to overshare - this will be easier if you're not sloshed. You don't want to wake up with the wine fear because you spilled company secrets or accidentally told the office gossip something crappy about your boss.

3. Dress to impress
Follow the directions of the invite. If it's fancy dress you should certainly get involved even if it's putting in a little effort. If the invite says cocktail attire certainly don't rock up in your ripped jeans.

Maybe save the sexy Halloween style outfit for a night out with the girls.
Maybe save the sexy Halloween style outfit for a night out with the girls.

4. Don't fight or flirt
Just because the shindig is being held at the local old pub doesn't mean you have to behave like a punter on a boozie Saturday night. Don't over-flirt and don't get rough with your co-workers.

5. Always show up the next day
No matter how hung you are the day after the work Xmas do you mustn't call in sick. If you do the crime you do the time - pick up that greasy bacon and egg roll with extra aioli and get your butt to work. Remember: everyone will be in the same boat as you so you can all suffer together.

You can always take a nap at work!
You can always take a nap at work!