Can you spot the snake hidden amongst the watermelon?

There’s another brainteaser doing the rounds on the web and it’s left people all over scratching their heads.

The puzzle, which was created by asks you to find a snake camouflaged in the middle of a sea of watermelon slices.

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And according to the creators of the quiz, 83 per cent of people got it right.

Can you spot the hidden snake in this photo? Photo:
Can you spot the hidden snake in this photo? Photo:

Interestingly, the best scores were recorded by 18-24-year-olds and the worst answers were by 65-year-olds upwards.

The creators of the puzzle also found that people who never exercise scored the lowest out of everyone, while there was an increase in people’s ability the more they claim they exercised.

It's right down the bottom of the snap. Photo:
It's right down the bottom of the snap. Photo:
One you see it, it can't be unseen. Photo:
One you see it, it can't be unseen. Photo:

Have you spotted the snake yet?

If you haven’t, it’s nestled right down the bottom of the photo in the middle of a few slices of juicy looking watermelon.

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