Ten signs your partner is having an emotional affair

There are many definitions of cheating, but some people feel that if your partner is having an emotional affair with someone, it can be more damaging than a physical one.

But while you suspect he may not be having sex elsewhere, you still may be feeling betrayed.

Here are ten signs that your man is having an intimate - and concerning - relationship with another girl….

You’re both disconnected

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The number one thing that holds a relationship together is communication, but if he’s speaking with someone else or no longer confiding in you, then it could make you both feel less connected than normal.

He may be doing this because he doesn’t see any point in working on your relationship when there’s somebody else who is more important to him.

His new friendship makes you uncomfortable

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Whether it’s because he’s giving someone else all of his attention or because you can feel the sexual tension between them, that's not a good sign. His new friendship may make you feel uncomfortable but also a bit jealous.

Even bigger red flags are if you tell him that you’re feeling insecure and he brushes you off. A secure and happy relationship doesn’t have these problems. If he really cares about your feelings then he’d not behave like that.

You feel compared

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Are you sick of him gushing about this other person? If he has feelings for someone else then he’s going to find everything they do exciting and ultimately put them on a pedestal.

If he’s constantly like 'she does this, and she does that’, it could be a sign he’s infatuated and has feelings for her.

He takes more pride in his appearance

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Your significant other has started wearing gel in his hair and going to the gym? While it might not mean anything, if it coincides with him meeting up with a person you suspect he has feelings for, then it may be that he’s trying to subconsciously – or consciously - impress them.

You spend less time together

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Do you feel he spends less time with you? A man having an emotional affair will put more space between you and him because he’s focusing on someone else.

He may not even realise he’s doing it, but then he might….

Your partner is more defensive…

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If you try and talk to him about his behaviour and he gets defensive, then he may be trying to hide something..You shouldn't be made to feel like you're in the wrong if he's the one who is guilty. If it was innocent then he should be doing everything he can to reassure you.

And less sensitive

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He tells you their 'inside jokes' and he doesn’t seem to give two hoots about how your feeling.

You have less sex

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He may ironically feel like he’s cheating on the other person if he’s getting intimate with you - even if they've not kissed or had sex. How messed up is that?

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He has negative opinions about her love interests

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He says he wants what’s 'best for her', and maybe he means him. If he doesn’t like her new boyfriend for no apparent, then maybe he’s secretly disappointed that her affections are no longer on him, which isn’t healthy if he’s with you.

He tries to justify his friendship by referring to her being “just like a sister”

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Brothers and sisters don’t flirt or spend every waking second together! He’s using this faux relationship comparison to either throw you off or justify why he can’t stop spending time away with her.

Maybe it's time to get out before you get hurt!

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