Epic drone footage captures incredible wedding moment

When you’re getting married, some friends prove to be valuable in ways you didn’t expect. Take Canadian couple Ashleigh Blinkhorn and Chris Bryan, for example, who got married last month on Blinkhorn’s family cattle farm near Peterborough, Ontario. Their childhood friend Mack Evenden happens to be a real estate photographer who has been working on his drone photography skills for the past year, and he came up with the perfect video and photo plan for their wedding.

“I was going to fly [the drone around] anyway,” Evenden, who served as a co-emcee at the wedding, told Yahoo Style. “I said we might as well do something cool with it, like a photo shoot, so I said, ‘What about a heart?’ It kind of just went from there.”

Wedding guests formed a heart shape around the bride and groom. Source: Mack Evenden/Evendenimaging.ca
Wedding guests formed a heart shape around the bride and groom. Source: Mack Evenden/Evendenimaging.ca

Evenden enlisted another friend, engineer and firefighter Mike Raymer, to help map out how all 150 guests could form a heart on the ground. He calculated that each guest would take up about 3 feet from arm to arm, and used regular measuring tape to plan everything out. He first connected the dots with spray paint, and then they decided to use a lawnmower to carve out the line on which everyone would stand.

Amazingly, Evenden didn’t do any kind of trial run with his drone (with or without people) to see whethher it would work out. They marked where the bride and groom would stand in the middle of the heart — and after the ceremony, when the time came, Evenden got on a microphone and told everyone to walk out onto the path.

“Pretty much everybody did it within 10 minutes,” he says. “It didn’t take any time at all.”

The group then gathered together in the middle of the field to surround the couple. Source: Mack Evenden/Evendenimaging.ca
The group then gathered together in the middle of the field to surround the couple. Source: Mack Evenden/Evendenimaging.ca

What Evenden likes most about the resulting video and photo is the way you can see all the wedding guests together in one shot, instead of in the fragmented style of traditional photography. His video shows that after forming the heart, all the guests ran or walked toward the bride and groom in the middle — a gesture that quite literally depicts a community and family coming together to embrace them.

“Everybody was there for them,” says Evenden, “and I think it was so perfect to show that.”

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