Man snatched off boat by Bengal tiger

A Bengal tiger snatched a man off a fishing boat in eastern India, dragging him away into a mangrove swamp.

The attack happened on Thursday as Sushil Manjhi and his two children were fishing in the Sunderbans National Park.

The man's children apparently hit the tiger with sticks to try to get it to release him but to no avail. He was dragged away and is presumed dead.

Photo: Thinkstock
Photo: Thinkstock

The national park is one of the largest reserves for the royal Bengal tiger. According to wildlife officials, Thursday's attack was the fourth deadly assault by a tiger this year in the Sunderbans.

Fishing in the reserve is illegal because it is protected but many villagers resort to this because the crabs can be sold for a good price at markets in nearby towns.

India is home to more than half of the 3,200 tigers believed to be left in the wild gloablly. As the country experiences rapid growth, wild tiger habitats have been shrinking.

The Sundarbans is a UNESCO World Heritage Site located in both Bangladesh and India.