Mums tell: Knowing what products to trust

It's hard to know if something really is good for your kids, or if it's just good marketing. Luckily, some products really do live up to the hype. Brought to you by Yoplait Petit Miam.

Any first-time mum will remember standing in front of the nappy section for the first time, trying madly to calculate how much their baby weighs, or work out what absorbency they need, or whether a stretchy or snug fit is best. Or standing outside a sleeping child's room trying to decide whether to wake them from their daytime nap or let them sleep past their normal wake time, and whether that means that means they'll be up all night instead.

Becoming a mum means taking a leap into a world of unknowns - a world that can be confusing, and sometimes scary. From the moment those two little lines appear first on the test and you find yourself overwhelmed with joy, it's a constant influx of information. And sometimes it's hard to know who has your best interests at heart.

Your mum's group can be full of wonderful advice, or your own mum can pass on hard-won wisdom, but every day there's seemingly hundreds of decisions to be made, both big and small- and that's never more true than in the changing world of nutrition for kids.

One of the most rewarding parts of motherhood is nurturing your child's growth and play through nourishing foods. There's no words for the deep fulfilment that comes from watching them transform (all too quickly) from a snoozing bub to a tiny tornado who is capable of wreaking havoc in the few seconds you turn your back to pour a cup of tea!

Not everyone is an expert in every field, and goodness knows there's not always time to scrutinize the back of every package you're putting in your trolley, weighing up the pros and cons and interpreting ingredients while your kids run wild in the aisles, pulling down precarious fruit displays and knocking over stacks of cans.

Finding a healthy snack to nurture your child's nature means working out whether certain foods really are good for the kids- or just good marketing. Luckily, Yoplait Petit Miam is a food you can feel good about giving your kids. Children are sweet enough already, Yoplait Petit Miam is 30% less sugar than the average flavoured yoghurt* and there's no artificial colours, flavours or preservatives!

That means it's a no-brainer to throw in the trolley- making your life easier in little ways every day. Best of all, kids love it, and the pouch serving style means they can have full control over their snacking. With real fruit and the goodness of milk means they're getting the nourishment they need, with full flavour to keep them happy - which might mean more artwork on the walls, or kids covered in dad's shaving cream. But we wouldn't want it any other way.

For more information on Yoplait Petit Miam visit

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