Oil pulling - the secret to the ultimate smile?

Photo: Getty

What if the key to a healthy smile was getting up and gargling oil for 20 minutes, every single day? It may sound like an April Fool’s prank but, right now, oil pulling is having its moment in the health spotlight.

So how does it work?

Traditionally, proponents of the ritual would use sesame oil but these days, most devotees prefer coconut for its antibacterial properties. Whatever oil you use, it works by pulling the debris and bacteria from your teeth.

“You take a spoonful of oil and swish it around your mouth, forcing it back and forth through your teeth for around 10 to 20 minutes,” explains Victoria-based dentist Terry Rose. “The oil binds with pathogens that are then expelled when you spit the oil out,” he adds. Sounds simple enough. One word of advice: don’t swallow, to avoid tricky gastrointestinal issues. “It’s also recommended to brush and floss your teeth afterwards to get rid of any residue,” says Rose.

Why not just use a mouthwash?

Well, according to Rose, coconut oil is inexpensive, natural and has zero side effects. But Peter Alldritt, chairman of the Australian Dental Association’s Oral Health Committee would rather we spend our time a little differently.

“The thing that concerns me is that it takes 20 minutes and I’d much rather you spend two minutes brushing your teeth morning and evening and flossing once a day,” he adds. “I can’t see any harm in oil pulling but there’s limited scientific evidence to back up the claims.”

The bottom line? If you happen to have a spare 20 minutes a day (lucky you!), go for it. But until further research is done, keep that old faithful (your toothbrush) close by.