Roast vegetable and crab meat pasta

Roast vegetable and crab meat pasta

  • Serves 2

  • Preparation time:

  • Cooking time:


1 x eggplant
1 x zucchini
1 x carrot
1 x packet of fresh blue swimmer crab
1 handful fresh parsley
2.5 Tbls butter
1 x garlic clove



You know what you are doing here, but here is my Mum’s secret to her pasta. After you have drained, turn the heat on the pan down very low, then add a solid slice of butter and melt till almost burnt. Add the pasta back into the pot, stirring through then add some finely chopped parsley to give it some colour (and pepper of course for spice).

The veges:

Take the eggplant, slice in half long ways and then place each half flat side down and cut into thin long slices.
With a peeler, peel the zucchini and carrot into thin strips.
Heat a pan and throw the vegetables in with a dash of oil and garlic. Cook until lightly browned.

Putting it together:

Stack a pile of the pasta, then vegetables and top with some fresh blue swimmer crab. Garnish with freshly chopped parsley, a squeeze of lemon and drizzle of oil. Serve with a chilled bottle of white and … done!


Add some chilli flakes to your garnish to spice up dinner.


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