Study Claims Only Two Diets In The World Actually Work

There are so many crash diets around these days, it's hard to keep track of which one will get you the results you're looking for.

However, it turns out two of the most well-known diets in the world are the only ones that work, according to a new study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine.

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Researchers at Johns Hopkins University studied the diets of 4,200 people, who were on 11 different diets, to see which one reaped the best weight loss results.

Their study didn't include meal plans, which have proven health benefits, as the people on those diets did not have the goal of weight loss.

According to their findings, the people who went on Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig for a year lost more weight than their counterparts, who tried to diet on their own, or by using information sheets.

The study found those who tried Weight Watchers lost 2.6% more weight and Jenny Craig participants lost 4.9% more weight.

And while these people lost the most amount of weight, it was proven that they only had minor results, with participants having to work hard to keep it off.