'Hip dips' are the latest Instagram body trend

Pick any four-centimetre sized space on your body and there’s probably an ‘imperfection’ there that you’re (supposedly) meant to be worrying about.

But had you ever heard of ‘hip dips’ before?

It’s a name for the small indents below our hips and above our thighs – also called ‘violin hips’.

These are hip dips. Photo: Instagram
These are hip dips. Photo: Instagram

And instead of worrying about them as they once did, Instagrammers are choosing to celebrate them.

Using the hashtag #hipdips, bloggers are posting photos of themselves showing off, not hiding, that part of their bodies.

“For years and years growing up I hated this part of my body,” wrote Instagammer Lexie Thiery.

People are loving their hip dips. Photo: Instagram
People are loving their hip dips. Photo: Instagram

“I didn’t understand why my hips sunk in so far and made me look boxy and odd shaped.

“But over the years, and through practicing [sic] self love, I’ve learned to see this as just another part of me that makes me beautiful.”

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“Realizing that it’s not just me that has this body type has made me feel so much better about myself knowing that others deal with the same things that I do,” wrote 17-year-old Kylee Tomlin.

Learn to love your hip dips. Photo: Instagram
Learn to love your hip dips. Photo: Instagram

But as well as those defiantly fighting back against their existing insecurities, for others, the #hipdips hashtag has lead to the discovery of an ‘imperfection’ they never realised they had.

“So I never knew what #hipdips were until today but I now realise I have them and that is why I have never felt good in any tight dress ever,” wrote one blogger.

Is it empowering? Photo: Instagram
Is it empowering? Photo: Instagram

And another, a 22-year-old called Charlotte, said: “So today i learned i have hip dips and I will never be able to achieve my life goal of looking like Kylie Jenner so I hereby officially give up – #hipdips #what?”

She is giving up of her goal of Kylie Jenner. Photo: Instagram
She is giving up of her goal of Kylie Jenner. Photo: Instagram

So while it’s empowering for some, for others, is it having the opposite effect and making us feel insecure about something we never worried about in the first place?

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