The Best Reactions to the Most Polarising Foods

There are those among us who can’t stomach a tuna sandwich.

Who wince at the sight of potato salad.

Who shriek in horror when confronted with a devilled egg.

These people hate mayonnaise.

We think it’s a downright shame. Maybe they just had a bad experience during childhood, or maybe they just need to try the right mayonnaise. Maybe they need to be forced to try it again, for their own good.

This is how we’ve rationalised the above video, which shows three brave mayonnaise-hating souls facing their mayo fears with an open stomach. Sort of open, anyway. Watch it through the end to see how they (and the mayonnaise) fared.

Watch people eat more polarising foods below, including foie gras and DOG FOOD!

Americans Try Marmite And Vegemite:
People Try Foie Gras For The First Time:
Americans Try To Eat Pani Puri:
People Try Dog Food For The First Time: