Curious monkey destroys tourist’s mobile in Chinese zoo

A very curious monkey claimed a tourist’s fallen phone at a Chinese zoo after the tourist dropped it into the monkey enclosure.

Captured at Kunming zoo, the capital of China’s southern Yunnan province last Friday, the video shows the monkey trying to smash it open against rocks.

The macaque monkey runs to scoop the phone off the ground. Photo: YouTube
The macaque monkey runs to scoop the phone off the ground. Photo: YouTube

The macaque monkey gazes at its reflection in the screen then attempts to open the smartphone with its hands and teeth.

While the owner of the phone must have not been so pleased, onlookers at Monkey Mountain found it extremely entertaining, laughing and pointing at the monkey with the phone.

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Other monkeys within the enclosure didn’t seem so hooked on the device, but rather are filmed chasing each other and playing with a bucket hat that had also fallen in.

Earlier this month, a group of monkeys were filmed escaping from the same enclosure.

The curious monkey trying to rip open the phone. Photo: YouTube
The curious monkey trying to rip open the phone. Photo: YouTube

What monkey mayhem!