What happens when you're sleep deprived

If there's one thing you can do to look after your health, it's getting enough sleep. Yet a new study has revealed that 30 per cent of adults are getting less than six hours a night.

But there's more to lack of sleep than increasing your coffee intake the next day. Just last week, new research revealed that being sleep-deprived bumps up your chances of catching a cold.

From increasing your stroke risk to slowing metabolism and increasing your appetite, there are a number of reasons to get a decent amount of shut-eye. Watch the video above to see just what damage sleep deprivation can do to your body.

Gallery: Sleep tight, every night
If you're a night-owl currently thinking 'if only it was that easy', there are things you can try to get a good night's sleep. Simple habits like regular exercise, minimising blue light in your bedroom or taking a bath may help you beat sleep saboteurs.

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