Fans react to GOT finale and anticipate what's next

Season six of Game of Thrones finally came to an end last night with an epic climax, and fans were thrilled that one major theory had finally been revealed.

In the Winds of Winter episode, we discovered that Jon Snow’s mum is Ned Stark’s sister Lyanna, who died after giving birth to him.

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Ned finds his sister Lyanna in the Tower of Joy. Photo: GOT
Ned finds his sister Lyanna in the Tower of Joy. Photo: GOT

And no, Ned and Lyanna weren’t involved in a Cersei-Jaime Lannister type tryst! Instead the L+R=J theory was proven correct, that the late Rhaegar Targaryen is Jon’s biological father.

Jon Snow. Photo: GOT
Jon Snow. Photo: GOT

This also means that Jon is Ned Stark and Daenerys Targaryen's nephew! (Daenerys and Rhaegar are brother and sister).

Also in last night’s episode, we saw Cersei get revenge on the High Sparrow and his minions by blowing them up with wildfire in Kings Landing.

Cersei. Photo: GOT
Cersei. Photo: GOT
Cersei gets revenge on the High Sparrow. Photo: GOT
Cersei gets revenge on the High Sparrow. Photo: GOT

And fans were pleased Ayra Stark finally used her skills from the Faceless Men to get revenge on her enemies.

Arya kills Walder Frey in revenge for The Red Wedding. Photo: GOT
Arya kills Walder Frey in revenge for The Red Wedding. Photo: GOT

But now Throners (GOT fans) are weighing in on what they think will happen in Season 7, with many hoping Lady Stoneheart (Catelyn Stark's revengeful zombie from the books) will make an appearance.

Catelyn Stark. Photo: GOT
Catelyn Stark. Photo: GOT

What's more, it's believed Cersei will be killed by her brother/lover in the next instalment. Jaime earned the title 'King Slayer' because he murdered the 'Mad King' Aerys Targaryen before he was going to unleash wildfire on the innocent citizens of Kings Landing - just like Cersei ended up doing.

Will Jaime kill Cersei? Photo: GOT
Will Jaime kill Cersei? Photo: GOT

And it looks like a battle between queens (Daenerys and Cersei) is on the horizon, as Cersei has been crowned Queen of the Seven Kingdoms and the Khaleesi is heading to Westeros.

Battle of the queens? Photo: GOT
Battle of the queens? Photo: GOT

Another theory making the rounds is that Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen and Tyrion Lannister are actually all related.

Are these three family? Photo: GOT
Are these three family? Photo: GOT

It's rumoured that when Tywin Lannister served as Hand of the King to Aerys, his wife Joanna was seduced by Aerys, who subsequently impregnated her. Tywin attempted to abort the child using some type of drug, which didn't work and resulted in Tyrion's deformity and Joann's death during childbirth. Woah!

But whatever happens, we're one step closer to finding out who will actually win the 'Game of Thrones'. (It's rumoured there will only be two more series).

Whether it's White Walkers against dragons or battles between queens or long lost families being reunited, the countdown to Season 7 begins now.

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