Guy jumps into bath full of chilli sauce, immediately regrets his decision

Some people love hot sauce so much, it's almost like a religion to them.

They carry a small bottle everywhere they go and put it on everything they eat and drink, from eggs to burgers to Bloody Mary's.

YouTuber Cemre Candar about to enter hell. Photo: YouTube/CemreCandar
YouTuber Cemre Candar about to enter hell. Photo: YouTube/CemreCandar
behold, the hot sauce tub. Photo: YouTube/CemreCandar
behold, the hot sauce tub. Photo: YouTube/CemreCandar

But bathing in an entire bath tub full of the spicy sauce is next level.

How this guy thought he'd survive bathing in buckets of spicy chilli sauce is beyond us!

RELATED: People who love spicy food are more likely to be alcoholics
RELATED: Woman rubs a mask made out of chilli all over her face to get a glowing complexion

YouTuber CemreCandar is notorious online for his over-the-top videos of him washing himself in popular foods like Oreos and milk and chocolate.

This time however, his bath time didn't go so smooth.

1250 bottles of chilli sauce go into the bath. Photo: YouTube/CemreCandar
1250 bottles of chilli sauce go into the bath. Photo: YouTube/CemreCandar

The viral video above has been viewed more than two million times because it's one of the most stupid in the world.

Who in their right mind thinks rubbing spicy sauce all over your body is a legendary idea? Obviously this guy!

He's smiling now...but just wait. Photo: YouTube/CemreCandar
He's smiling now...but just wait. Photo: YouTube/CemreCandar

After pouring in 1250 bottles of old hot sauce into his bath tub, Candar then throws in a bunch of fresh red chillies for good luck.

He slowly lowers himself into the hot sauce bath... Let the pain begin.

Chilli gets into every crevice. Photo: YouTube/CemreCandar
Chilli gets into every crevice. Photo: YouTube/CemreCandar
Just a little spicy. Photo: YouTube/CemreCandar
Just a little spicy. Photo: YouTube/CemreCandar

If having chilli sauce in all his nooks and crannies wasn't enough, Candar then takes a bite of the fresh chilli and dunks his entire body underneath.

Spicy hot sauce gets into his eyes, noes, ears... pretty much everywhere.

Abort! Abort! Photo: YouTube/CemreCandar
Abort! Abort! Photo: YouTube/CemreCandar

Immediately realising just how silly and painful bathing in hot sauce is, Candar jumps out of the bath, begging for a towel.

He cools down in the shower and hours later returns to tell his fans how the experience was... Terrible!

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