How many girls are in this photo?

Swiss photographer Tiziana Vergari uploaded this mind-boggling photo of girls sitting in a room for an Instagram hashtag project.

The project #WHPidentity, asked Instagrammers to post images or videos celebrating individuality.

How many girls are in the image? Photo: Instagram
How many girls are in the image? Photo: Instagram

Tizzia captioned her illusion-like image, “Same but different | My entry #whpidentity for @instagram [thank you #instagram for this featuring ❤.”

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The clever picture caught the attention of many and has since gone viral, receivcing 12,800 likes and over 600 comments.

The question on everyone’s lips… How many girls are actually in this photo?

Hundreds of people commented on the photo deliberating the true answer. Photo: Instagram
Hundreds of people commented on the photo deliberating the true answer. Photo: Instagram

Is it two? Three? Four? Thirteen?

The answer is yet to be revealed, so until then we'll just have to keep guessing.

How many girls can you see?