Scott Gooding’s four essential sexy abs exercises

Guys, spring is nearly upon us and if you've been hibernating during winter, it's time to dust off your runners, put together a pumped up playlist and get back into your workout routine.

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What better body part to start with than your stomach?

There are many ways to target the mid-section which includes abs, glutes and hamstrings but these four exercises are a great way to kick things off.


Start off by doing 10 reps of each of the exercises below. Once you’ve performed them all, return back to the start and perform 9 reps of each exercise again. Keep doing this, reducing your number of reps each round, until you’re left doing one rep of each exercise. For the best results, try to do at least 3 sessions within the next 7 days.

Spring is nearly here and it's time and there's no better time to amp up your exercise routine! Photo: Instagram/scottgoodingproject
Spring is nearly here and it's time and there's no better time to amp up your exercise routine! Photo: Instagram/scottgoodingproject


The focus is on completing the workout in the quickest time possible so you will notice a strong cardio response. The shoulders will get a decent burn too and if you fatigue through the mid section, have a quick breather and then jump back in when you can.

Cool down with a short walk or jump on a foam roller and massage your tired muscles. A hot shower is always a good idea as well some magnesium supplements that night. Replenish your cells with some good fats, protein and some carbs.

Downward dog toe taps
• Begin in a high plank position with your hands directly underneath your shoulders, flat back and hips square.
• Raise your hips to go into a downward dog position, then reach one hand under and across your body to touch your opposite toe.
• Repeat on the alternate side.
• Return to a high plank position and repeat

Elephant Walk
• Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Fold at the hip, keeping your legs as straight as possible.
• Slowly walk your hands out away from your feet so your end point is a ‘superman’ position.
• Hold for 3 seconds before walking your hands back to your feet.
• Repeat (make sure not to stand-up in between!).

Sit kicks
• Starting in a high plank position, sweep one leg underneath you so it’s perpendicular to your body (in-line with your shoulders).
• Ensure your toes are facing upwards.
• Sit for 0.5 seconds on your butt cheek before returning to the start position.
• Repeat on the alternate side

Kettlebell swing
• Stand with your feet shoulder width apart with both hands on the kettlebell handle (8kg for beginners, 24kg for advanced).
• Keeping your legs relatively straight with soft knees, fold in the hips whilst keeping your back straight and shoulders pulled back.
• Drive your hips forwards, fully extending your knees.
• Swing the kettlebell up to shoulder height – keeping your elbows soft – making sure your eye line follows the kettlebell.
• Repeat, making sure the movement is explosive with a quick hip-drive.

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