Think before you steal hotel towels

They may be enticingly thick and fluffy, but hotel guests should think twice before absconding with hotel towels.

New technology allows hotels to track their linens using tiny embedded tracking chips, according to the Huffington Post.

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It reported that Linen Tracking Technology supplies around 2000 US hotels with the devices, initially with the aim of allowing them to keep tabs on linens going between the cleaners and the hotel.

However, it also lets hotels keep track of towels and robes that guests make off with.

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“One hotel uses the chips to monitor the elevator banks,” company vice president William Serbin told the Huffington Post.

“Any time one of their towels passes through the elevator bay, housekeeping gets an alert.”

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He said that the hotel didn’t charge the guests who made off with linens, but it was able to keep track of exactly how many items were stolen thanks to a signal sent by the tracking chips to antennae at the entrance or exit of the hotel.

However, luckily for light-fingered guests, the devices do not provide the exact location of the items.