A piece of cheese a day keeps heart attack at bay, says research

Cheese-lovers rejoice because apparently having a little bit of the gooey goodness every day can reduce your risk of having a heart attack.

Get that cheese-platter ready for your next get together because other than the fact that cheese is life, new research has revealed it's good for your heart.

New research suggests cheese is good for your heart. Photo: Getty
New research suggests cheese is good for your heart. Photo: Getty

The research conducted by Chinese University, Soochow, revealed that people who eat 40 grams of cheese a day have less chance of developing certain heart diseases.

Looking at data from a host of different studies that have been conducted in Europe and America, they were able to track the diets of over 200,000 people.

Source: Giphy
Source: Giphy

Those that were eating the above amount – which is only a few crackers worth of cheese – a day had less heart attacks and 10 per cent less strokes.

40g of cheese isn't much though. Photo: Getty
40g of cheese isn't much though. Photo: Getty

Researchers explained this is because even though cheese is high in fat, it also is high in calcium which will stop those fats from being absorbed.

The study didn’t however take into account people’s overall diets over time, failing to note whether they had just been living and eating healthier already.

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