The first date question that will reveal if you have a future together

Psychologists have revealed the one question you should be asking on a first date, which will immediately reveal whether you have a future together.

Speaking with Psychology Today, Robert Maurer said the simple way to work out what your date is like in a relationship is to ask them how their last one ended.

Sounds pretty simple. And yet terrifying.

Always ask your date about their past relationships. Photo: Getty
Always ask your date about their past relationships. Photo: Getty

But Robert says not to be put off asking about the other person’s past relationship. He suggests always starting off with a compliment such as “how come someone as wonderful as you is still single?”.

Then it’s about listening carefully.

“As they relate the stories of their last relationship(s), are they taking any responsibility for choosing poorly or not having the right skills at that point in their lives,” Robert said.

How they handled the break ups will reveal a lot about their true colours. Photo: Youtube
How they handled the break ups will reveal a lot about their true colours. Photo: Youtube

If it sounds like they are always the victim and it was never their fault, he explains, then it’s time for you to bail.

Because every relationship at the end of the day will experience arguments and conflicts and you don’t want someone who will always wait for you to take the blame.

You want someone who is willing to work through conflict. Photo: Getty
You want someone who is willing to work through conflict. Photo: Getty

“It is hard to make an effort to repair if every problem is the other person’s fault”, Robert explains.

“So look for someone who is willing to look inside for the source of the problem and for solutions, nothing is more vital for a relationship to thrive.”

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