There’s one problem with Cadbury’s new white Creme Eggs

Cadbury’s new white chocolate version of its famous Creme Egg has caused quite a stir online with people pointing out one disgusting potential issue.

Cadbury in the UK launched the new white eggs this month but the catch is they are disguised in the same wrapping as the original ones.

The idea is a Willy Wonka style challenge to find a white egg, which if you’re lucky could even net you up to £2,000 (almost $3,500)

Cadbury have launched a new white chocolate creme egg. Photo: Cadbury
Cadbury have launched a new white chocolate creme egg. Photo: Cadbury

Sadly they are for now only available in the UK in convenience stores (such as local newsagents and corner shops) and in Sainsbury’s Local, Tesco Express and Co-op up until April 1.


But while many were excited about the announcement and the challenge, some Twitter folk have been quick to point on a potential issue.

The eggs are easily unwrapped. Photo: Getty
The eggs are easily unwrapped. Photo: Getty

And it’s pretty disgusting.

Individual eggs are easily unwrapped, so what’s to stop anyone, even the shopkeepers themselves, from checking under the wrapper for a white egg.

Regardless the race is on, with some already lucky enough to have found one.

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